Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 22 of NaBloPoMo challenge!

Today we walked on another part of the walkway that White House has made through town. It is a very pretty walk and a lot of people use it. No fear of tripping and they have different trees marked along the path. I'm not sure which section we will check out tomorrow.

The question of the day is yesterday:
Orange is a colour that people either hate or love: tell us how you feel about it.

Answer: My favorite colors while I was a teen was yellow, brown and orange! Just about everything except clothes was one of these colors. I didn't look good in those colors at all. I remember one of the dresses that my mother made me was brown with orange and white flowers. I shall have to look for it. I may have a piece of that fabric in my stash somewhere. I was very lucky that my mother was a great seamstress because I sure would not have had the fantastic wardrobe that she provided without that talent. I think I was the best dressed kid in school thanks to her.

How about you, did you like the color orange?

Until next time, 

Happy Quilting, Sharon Permanent "Quilting the Kaye Wood Way" Certified Instructor since 2013

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