Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

What Memorial Day meant to me when I was a kid: The week or two before the 'day' my mother would get her flowers, potting soil and pots together and get the planters ready to take to the cemeteries. We would take fresh flowers (geraniums are the only plants I remember) to Grandma & Grandpa Clark in Venice Center, Auntie Corena and Uncle Roy in Genoa, and Bobbie Wager in Auburn. A few years we went to Cortland to visit a niece, Mary Garrett. I never asked Mom what she thought about when she visited our family, but the visits helped me know where my roots were. Most of the family 'history' or stories I have are from when my Aunts and Uncle would get together and I'd start asking questions. I have one Aunt that was very open about different 'happenings' in the family. Just everyday happenings can be interesting to the next generation. I sure hope that everybody can share a story or two with their family during their get together this weekend if you are having one.

Happy Quilting, Sharon
"Quilting the Kaye Wood Way" Certified Instructor since 2009